Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Sentry Test

I have a simple proposal for Marvel writers.

If you could replace the Sentry with this guy:

and it wouldn't affect the outcome of your story in any way, then don't bother putting the Sentry in your comic.
No one cares about how powerful the Sentry could be. Potential isn't a good reason to put someone on the Avengers roster if that promise is never realized.
Teaming up with Bullseye because the Green Goblin is your land lord? Key-Rist, what an awful, awful, awful excuse for a superhero.
I guess that the Sentry really captured the imagination of Brian Michael Bendis. The tragedy is that he won't share it with the rest of us.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Everytime I fire a large ruined book into a raider's head, I imagine the Vault Dweller yelling "Reading is FUNdamental!"

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Dark Reign - what the Initiative should have been?

I've started to read some of the books that are introducing the post Secret Invasion status quo. I'm a lot more interested in heroes as outlaws when the sheriff is the Green Goblin, then when it is Iron Man. You know Norman, after a team up with the New Avengers, isn't going to turn a blind eye to them running away. There is actually a sense of danger, which makes the stories compeling.

I hope Dark Reign stays the status quo for a while. I think there are a lot of stories that can be told under it.

One of the things that kept Civil War, World War Hulk, and Secret Invasion, from having any punch was that they were over quickly. They weren't changing the status quo because the status quo has been crossover events.

Of course focusing on storytelling rather than stunts may be difficult when the EIC can't conceive of any good stories about a married Spider-Man or of a new young hero that would fill the idea space left behind when Spiderman is allowed to grow up.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Fall Out 3 - My New Addiction

I just got Fall Out 3 for Christmas. The first one I have played. I really enjoy the world exploration and the graphics for the VATS system. I may have to go back and try Oblivion.

My only gripe is that walking around can be tedious. Some vehicles would be nice. Just add scarcity to the amount vehicles can be used, just like the rest of the game.

I would love to see an Arcanum 2 based on this engine. I think the poor graphics single handedly made that game flop. The setting definately deserves another chance. There isn't enough Fantasy Steam Punk in video games.

A Rifts game with this engine would be fun. Or at least a similar concept for a world.